.Saturn On Zoom.
Hello All, Welcome Back To Another Blog where we are going to study Saturn From the very beginning until now, and this sequel will be known as [Planet] on Zoom, I hope you'll enjoy the blog so without further delay let's jump directly into it:
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PIC CREDIT: Pinterest |
So, If we wanna start from beginning all of us must know that it is the Sixth No. Planet of our Solar System and after Jupiter, It is the largest one too.
How much big actually Saturn could be just assume that Saturn's Radius is about nine times of Earth.
Content of Saturn- well, it's a giant gas planet with one-eight of earth's density but of course it's larger volume makes it 95 times more massive than Earth.
Well,Like every other planet saturn is also named after a Greek God of wealth and agriculture; It's astronomical symbol represents God Sickle.
Now, there's a statement i would like to deliver which is before 1610 people on Earth was unaware of presence of such monstrous ball planet in our Solar System.
But, In 1610 Italian Astronomer Galileo Galilei was the first to view Saturn through a telescope but as we know according to present data that saturn has its own ring like structure around it but to Galileo the case was different, he sketched them as different bodies and presented Saturn as three planetary bodies to world.
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But, This wasn't continued for long as in 1675, Dutch astronomer Huygens, using a more powerful telescope than galileo proposed and corrected the statement that it was a flat ring around Saturn.
If you've studied a bit about Saturn's ring then one must know that currently A and B rings are classification of Saturn's rings but in the same year as Huygens i.e., 1675 Cassini discovered a "division" between Saturn's rings and it is then called Cassini division. Currently, the reason given for that is the Gravitational Influence of One of The Saturn's Famous Moon which is called 'Mimas'.
Cassini Division is approximately 4,800 km wide.
Saturn has 52 known moons till now or in other words natural satellites. Saturn's largest Moon is Titan, guess what this moon is bigger than the planet Mercury. And you must be guessing that this must be the largest moon but the largest one is Ganymede which is Jupiter's Satellite, Titan is Second to it. Earth's beginning era is Titan's current atmosphere, well saturn has some 'icy' satellites. The Variance of Saturn's Moon is Too much like Saturn's moon Enceladus, which shows evidence of recent (and ongoing) surface changes, to Iapetus, with one hemisphere darker than asphalt and the other as bright as snow, each of Saturn's satellites is unique.
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PIC CREDIT: Astronomylovers |
Well, earth's magnetic field and its effect is no new to you guys so better understand that Saturn's magnetic field is 578 times than of earth. The range of Saturn's magnetic field is too much that mostly all satellites lie within its magnetosphere (the region of space in which the behavior of electrically charged particles is influenced more by Saturn's magnetic field than by the solar wind. Hubble Space Telescope images show that Saturn's polar regions have aurorae similar to Earth's. Aurora occur when charged particles spiral into a planet's atmosphere along magnetic field lines.)
Now, If we talk about Saturn's rings then it is made up of pieces of comets, asteroids or shattered moons that broke up before they reached the planet, torn apart by Saturn's Powerful Gravity. They are made up of small chunks of ice and rock coated with another material such as dust.
One Interesting fact about Saturn's Rings is each rings orbits at different speed. The color of the rings according to NASA looks white if you overview it from Top.
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Saturn's ring system official data is given as: It extends upto 282,000 kilometres from the Planet and the maximum height is upto 10 metres. The naming is done Alphabetically only and the basis were the first identified ring is A and then so on, But as i told you earlier that there is Cassini Gap between rings and the rings are not consecutive and the Gap is as large as 4,700 km.
Main Rings are A,B and C. Ring D,E and F is discovered recently and fainter than the main ones.
Well, any planet which such disastrous Magnetosphere and Gravitational power is of course not suitable for Life, even not for thinking. Just thing that even some of the moons can get crush completely due to its Gravitational Power.
But, According To NASA and official data provided, Life on Saturn's moon is possible, Saturn's satellite such as Titan and Enceladus, home to internal oceans, could possibly support Life.
Well, If we talk about time period of Saturn then it's second shortest in our solar system, Just 10.7 earth hours, and one complete rotation of sun takes 29.4 earth years .
So, If we talk about all the missions we had in past to explore Saturn:-
Voyagers 1 and 2 flew by and shot Saturn in 1981. The following part in our insight into Saturn occurred somewhere in the range of 2005 and 2017, as the Cassini shuttle proceeded with its investigation of the Saturn framework. The Huygens test plunged through Titan's climate in January 2005, gathering information on the environment and surface. Cassini has circled Saturn in excess of multiple times during a 12-year investigation of the planet and its moons, rings, and magnetosphere. With its fuel running out, it moved nearer to saturn than at any other time in late 2016, showing a very close perspective on the planet just because. Cassini is supported by NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency.
-------All these data are officially verified by me.
This was all about Saturn and of course this is a short blog through which you can enjoy reading quickly and gathering as much as possible.
Until Next Blog, stay safe, stay at home and keep grinding
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