WTH? ALIBABA

Hey All, Welcome to this blog today we're gonna discuss about a topic which i recently found interesting actually very interesting, actually you should know that what the introduction is about and it's about ALIBABA which is the world's best online e-commerce with million of users on its platform on a per day basis. SO, whats the news about it actually is 'ALIBABA would not invest in INDIA and its group for next 6 months' so to all the Indian audience actually the irony is i have 0 audience lol but back to the topic whats the impact of this planned judgement coming from china government and its biggest group. 


Let's talk about the fact that what is the impact of this? Is there any impact of it on alibaba's share India. First lets talk about the share part one should know that big indian companies are stuffed with chinese money in most of the cases and the amount is near 2.7 billion$. Yes, it is true actually companies like paytm, flipkart, swiggy etc. are stuffed with these companies money not only ALIBABA but Tencent which is pubg mobile's parent company also have its million of shares in indian market actually let's have a look at current price of shares

i dont know much about these share and stocks thing but yet as much as possible i am researching details and presenting it to you so let's go to another details which is would this decision of not investing in startups will have some impact in the company shares the answer to this question is No, not for the money already invested only the fact which is changed is that that no more new money in any company wouldn't be invested. I don't know why this sudden decision was taken by ALIBABA, being the biggest e-commerce site they just need to tackle the condition.


As per i know, all this happened due to a decision taken by Indian Government which goes like this that any country which needs to invest needs "Earlier government freedom obligatory for all structures speculations, even backhanded ones, from all nations sharing area outskirt with the INDIAN nation."

See, I know the decision taken by both sides Indian govt and chinese ones are not up to the mark and ofcourse not beneficial for both country but all this happened just due to military and political pressure rising continuously on a per day basis between these two ASIAN giants but the real buisness mind is what arises during this conditions and the same happened after this decision tencent came forward accepted to the condition and not the headline which is tencent will be the new alibaba for India is really a big deal for all but at the end its cool and fine.

Another news is meanwhile all these ASIAN giants fighting with these policies stuff: Jeff besos becomes 1st person ever to be worth $200 billion, Yes Amazon founder and CEO jeff besos has become the world's first ever person to amass a 200$ billion fortune. I read this headline recently.


I want you guys to tell this news because right now when i am writing this blog 27th of August 9:44 A.M. (GMT +5:30 Kolkata,India), i found this news to be extremely interesting for viewers of both the countries and i wanto tell you guys about it. But, Except the fact that i have 0 viewership anyways let's move to the last statement which is approx loss in India due to alibaba's decision which is close to $4-8 billion due to alibaba i don't know if its accurate or not but i tried my best to evaluate it. 


So, anyone which is reading this blog till now must've found it interesting or musn't found what he/she wants so comment what you were searching for and the area i can improve because through this feedback ways we can improve and become perfect and the surity of working of this way is GOOGLE the company which is a perfect respond to users demand. so let's get to that topic but yeah i am asking you to comment if you want or else stay safe stay home and if you're in INDIA stay more safely because there's a huge toll on case in 24 hours which is near 67,000 so yup we'll meet together in another blog and i don't know the way by which i can increase viewership maybe time will do its work. BYE.


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