Travelling Blogs Parody

                  .#1 Travelling Blog About This.

Hey All, I am back again after two days, i am sorry for being late but don't worry i will explain everything down here. But, guess what today i will share a blog about my visit to a place where suffering and toleration becomes nearly hell, yes you read it right. Actually, this is a parody of travelling blogs because whenever i want to write on a topic there will be 0 view on it but when i visited some blogs which were sponsored by a tourist hotel or some stuff, they used to share some complete biased reviews about any hotel stay or any night visited at someplace and that blog drives thousands of traffics, That's why i decided to make a parody blog, i don't know if its a unique idea or not but i know one thing that you will be enjoying. Let's Start:

So, Let me tell all of you that, i am a person who drink a lot of water so as usual after drinking lot of water, after some time something happened in my biological created body and i felt starting to feel a pain in area lower than the stomach and near lower limbs and then guys my body was not in my control at all, it started moving on its own and i can't stop my leg because whenever i am stopping my legs from moving forcefully than my pain starts increasing so it wasn't in my control anymore. So, what actually happened my legs stopped after reaching a place outside my room.

Guys, You won't believe that that place was actually a room like thing which had a door and when i entered it there were 4 walls and when i looked up above my head, you know i found a roof covering that little room like area and when my eyes went 180 degree downwards that is when i looked down toward my feat i was in the just above a white solid material which looks like:

and you know what guys when i tried to touch that that hole deep inside and find out what type of liquid does that hole have i was almost near that conclusion but something maybe somevoices from inside me which is scientifically called 'gut-instinct' said no for that so i dropped the idea of doing that but you know, still  i was feeling that pain in my kidney area but as soon as my finger automatically without my permission put itself upon a thing called zip and something maybe my private (mind your buisness) came out and then automatically a liquid started flowing out which was directly going into that hole but i was wondering what that liquid could be maybe we will find that in some other blog but yeah for right now, i can share one  thing for sure which is the smell from that white material's hole was too  stinky and the experience was not at all good not even near ok but yup let me tell you one thing which is when i came outside of that room other guy which was my floormate came toward me and said that i am having loosemotions again and went inside that horror room and closed the door immediately i don't know may god bless him.

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Okay, so if you liked a little bit of this parody blog then comment if don't yet comment and tell me the area i can improve, and let me tell you the real reason for being late and posting after two days it's because i already told you guys or whoever visited that blog that i have my NDA paper on 6th of september which means i am paying a little more attention toward it you guys can understand that  i have a little bit more pressure nowadays it will be sorted soon, sorry for such things but anyways Today its nearly 2:14a.m. (GMT+5:30 kolkata,India) 22nd of August, this was just a short blog just to say 'hi i am also here' to the blogging world but yea signing off see you guys soon.

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