.A New Route For AI.

Hey All, Welcome back to another blog where we are going to discuss that How scientists are able to develop a complete new way to fight against malaria, Yes, and that is the complete new route, a complete new path for Artificial Intelligence. 
Dayummm for AI
Pic credit: memegene.

AI, yeah now taking lead in treating human from a very deadly disease malaria which once was a epidemic believe me, Researchers have concluded that how a developed AI known as a Convoluted Neural Network is so much effective against this disease. And My response was Dayummmm!

This AI can accurately identify mosquito sex, genes, species and strain as well as those who transmit human pathogens such as malaria and all of this studies were published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease.

Well, everyone among us are mostly aware of this deadly disease or even some of us were even went through this. 
Pic credit: Health Europa
Malaria is still ongoing public health crisis affecting many continents, with the highest numbers of cases and people at risk in sub-Saharan Africa. 

But, According to researchers identification of malaria can be difficult even for trained taxonomist like some species are nearly indistinguishable.

At Present, there is a research team in the University of Rhode Island in the U.S, and the colleagues built a AI network in which there is a huge library of 1,709 two-dimensional image of adult mosquitoes as well as samples such as Frozen and Dried sample.

And, guess what they found a 99.6 percent prediction accuracy for class and a 98.48 percent accuracy for sex. 
Pic credit: prescriber
I hope that this network will be available world-wide very soon and we will be able to just view this in practice as common. 
So, I hope you get to know about this network and how AI is able to reform mankind's problem.
Malaria-Malaria Bye Bye
BYE-BYE Malaria