Private chat of WhatsApp leaked on Google, anyone can read your private things

            .It is Not A Safe Platform At All Now.


Facebook-owned WhatsApp (WhatsApp) is surrounded by controversies about its new terms of service, in the meantime a dispute has been linked with WhatsApp. WhatsApp group messages have been leaked on Google. In such a situation, by searching the WhatsApp group on Google, you could read your chat and also join your private group. Due to this mistake of WhatsApp, all the numbers of WhatsApp group of people also became public.

Data was also leaked on Google in 2019

This is not the first time that WhatsApp chat has leaked on Google. Earlier in 2019, many groups and chats were also found in Google search, although WhatsApp has now fixed this bug. This bug of WhatsApp was informed by cyber security researcher Rajasekhar Rajharia. According to the report, around 1,500 WhatsApp group's invisible links were coming in Google results. Many of these groups were of porn and many belonged to a particular community. Some groups were from Bengali and Marathi.

What did WhatsApp say on this leak?

On the report of the data leak, WhatsApp said in a statement that since March 2020 WhatsApp has implemented noindex tag for all linked pages, since which these pages are out of Google's indexing. The company has asked Google not to index these chats.

WhatsApp may be clear on every leak, but somewhere the privacy of WhatsApp is slowly weakening due to which people are looking for other options like Telegram and Signal. Please tell that after the new service condition of WhatsApp, the signal has come in the list of top free apps on the Apple App Store. 

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  1. Comment down here and suggest me some science researches topic?
