Lemon Tea Grass-Not Only a Remedy but a Boon for Mankind


Hey, Welcome back and this will be a deep research on a very common somewhere rare sort of plant Cymbopogon commonly called Lemontea grass sometimes called cochin grass or malabar grass. 

It is commonly found in Asian and African continents and from this fact you can get a guess that it is mainly found in Tropical regions.

Some species of this grass is cultivated as medicinal herbs because of their scent, resembling lemon like smell. 

Well, going to etymology of this word, It is derived from ancient Greece and contains two different words kymbe which means 'boat' and pogon which means 'beard' which refers to its boat pudder like leaf shape.

Well, let's go to scientific classification of lemongrass:

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Plantae 

Order: Poales

Family: Poacea

Genus: Cymbopogon

If we look, In India mainly few type of species of this Genus is repeated like:

1. Cymbopogon caesius 

2. Cymbopogon citratus

3. Cymbopogon coloratus

4. Cymbopogon flexuosus

5. Cymbopogon gidarba 

6. Cymbopogon jwarancusa 

7. Cymbopogon martini

8. Cymbopogon microthecus

9. Cymbopogan microstachys

10. Cymbopogan nardus

11. Cymbopogan osmastonii

12. Cymbopogan polyneuros

13. Cymbopogan pruinosus 


Pic credit: Wikipedia 

If we talk about the way it is used and how it is a boon to makind then it all starts from understanding that this plant alone can cure pain and fracture in arms and legs as well as on advanced level consumption, this can even cure sugar and a proper strict dose of this can even help cure cancer.

During Early 90's it is used as Insect repellant, It is used in aroma therapy. Somewhere In mid India some of its species is also used as perfumes.

It is such primary ingredient which can be accessed very easily and have such powerful medical impact on our brain and body, it can be used as a drug repressant also as well as you can use some of nardus species for chemotherapy also.

If we talk about cooking use then Just wash some of the lemon grass. Pour water in a pan and let it boil. Add lemon grass. You can add jaggery too if you want but if you don't you can then add sugar or honey also. Bring to boil. Lower the flame as it will help lemon grass to infuse it's whole flavour in the tea as well it will detoxify at its best then. 

Do you know it can also help reduce weight, dandruff and hairfall as well as detoxify the whole body. 

Some people consume this after heavy meals, some during the day time as well as during evening, it totally depends on one how you want to consume it on a per day basis.


Pic credit: Pinterest

What does one can expect from Lemongrass, a plant that releives pain, reduces swellings, reduces brain tumour and improves sugar and cholesterol level in body, detoxify the whole body, reduce weight, reduce hairfall, gives glowy skin and stimulate the uterus and menstrual level, have antioxidant properties, have some medicinal properties, can even cure early stages of cancer, used in aromatherapy as well as chemotherapy, even improves neural-malfunctions, used as a insect repellant.

So who can deny use of this medicinal herbs less than boon for mankind.

We'll meet  soon in next blog where we'll be discussing about world's biggest sharks that ever existed during the early miocene period.


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